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Anderson-Butcher, D. D., Lawson, H. A., Iachini, A. A., Flaspohler, P. P., Bean, J. J., & Wade-Mdivanian, R. R. (2010). Emergent evidence in support of a community collaboration model for school improvement.Children & Schools, 32(3), 160-171.
This journal article provided insight on collaboration in a community by using a community collaborative model for school improvement. According to the authors, when a school system is suffering, reaching beyond the walls of the school and building partnerships within the community fosters improvement in many areas such as drop out rates, high teacher turn overs and transience. (Anderson-Butcher ET AL, 2011)Using a community collaborative model researchers saw improvement in these problematic areas. Community resources and support targeted problematic behaviors; such as after-school programs, medical and mental health care services were offered as well as others to support the low socioeconomic community. As a result of these resources the school system saw improvements.