Monday, July 1, 2013

Collaborating: Constructing the Individual Education Plan: confusion or collaboration? GOEPEL 2009 Support for Learning Wiley Online Library

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GOEPEL, J. (2009), Constructing the Individual Education Plan: confusion or collaboration?. Support for Learning, 24: 126–132. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9604.2009.01412.x

1 comment:

  1. This was an interesting article titled IEP, Collaboration or Confusion. The researchers hypothesized that children taking part in their IEP construction would
    take ownership of the goals and objectives and work harder to achieve mastery. The authors pointed to IDEA and the implications of involving the parents and children in the educational process. Allowing children and their parents be more a part of the IEP planning process would foster success, according to the authors. Involving the parents and children with the remaining IEP team would be a collaborative process. Unfortunately, the authors note that this type of collaborative process is not taking place as it was seen in their study.
