Saturday, June 29, 2013

Gender Diversity: Perceived competence and enjoyment of physical edcuation

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Davis, Kathryn ; Nicaise, Virginia  Source:Journal of Classroom Interaction, v46 n2 p11-23 2011. 13 pp

1 comment:

  1. This study focused on gender differences of fourth grade students in correlation to their perceived athletic competence(PAC)and enjoyment of physical education class (PE). The researchers noted that previous studies show that girls idea of PE enjoyment decrease upon adolescence. In this study boys enjoyment with PE remained stable, while girls enjoyment of PE declined as they approached their teenage years. This study noted that there is a direct correlation between a student's PAC and their enjoyment with PE, especially in girls. As noted in this study as well as others, girls typically have a lower PAC compared to boys. Future research on ways to improve a student's PAC is recommended as well as educators considering these factors; gender, PAC and enjoyment of PE to direct and assist in their teaching.
